Initiative in support of Colin here
in December has left the initiative for the little Colin.
Taken from the letter I wrote to promote the collection of funds for Colin:
"Colin is a tender child of three and a half years, suffering from PFFD. I've known the family in June when we were admitted in Germany, and we found that Colin would face an operation similar to that of Nathan, again performed by the same surgeon America. Unfortunately, his speech is even more complicated and risky, performed up to now only 7 times, of which only you're with good results. Can you imagine what state of mind are the parents! We have revised Ialia, and we have witnessed their meeting with the doctor ... and unfortunately for Colin there are no alternatives. Colin should be operated. The family does not have the economic means to finance the operation. Some of their friends have tried to promote a chain of solidarity in their favor, but so far have not found anyone willing to support them.
... What I am most sorry for this family, and now feels doubly lonely and abandoned. They never asked for anything, the initiative came from their friends, but the disappointment and despair now belong to them ... right now they would need a lot more strength.
... And to think that this family you have to do for years many sacrifices to enable their child care: from the moment Colin is in the world, they are no longer able to go on vacation. The holidays and the money used to go to Bavaria and to make Collin his guardian, and that every 6 months! How nice: holidays in the hospital!
... What I regret most is that they will never get that power, energy, that optimism that you are able to send, and you need so much in such a situation. Once you have told me that I should not thank you, that was a joy for you ... but I should do anyway, because, as you can see, the thing is not at all obvious!
My invitation is now open to all those wishing to contribute, even if only a symbolic gesture of solidarity, and I repeat, is only an invitation! Raiffeisenbank, Bolzano
Carla Lever For Nathan
Visitation Via, 30 39100 Bolzano
IT 86 AND 08 081 11 602 000 304 008 031 We will be happy for any support, however slight, of any kind, as a sign of solidarity !! "Thank you with all my heart