Hello everyone!
It 'just left the initiative in support of the small Felix. We have been contacted by the family a month ago and we met them in person. To make the best little care, parents are doing somersaults. So far they have covered all costs of the interventions of their own pockets, and want to do in the future. We were asked only a small charge to cover the additional costs. All tenders, no matter how small, will be a symbolic gesture of solidarity with this child, so sorely tried by fate.
Ours is an invitation, and I repeat, only an invitation. Anyone who wants to join, we would do a great pleasure, but also give so much strength and courage to this family, which in April will face a very difficult path.
I remind you of our bank account:
Cassa Rurale di Bolzano
Voluntary Organisations Nathan
Visitation Via, 30 39100 Bolzano
IBAN: IT 82 O 08 081 11 602 000 304 008 031
To download the flyer click HERE

Thank you very
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