Italy from Abroad - Berlusconi in free fall. The prosecutor denied the minister of children and the Brazilian will be questioned Conceição Santos Oliveira
published an article by Terra Brasil of November 10, 2010 (translation from Italy from abroad):
Berlusconi fall free. The prosecutor denied the minister of children and the Brazilian will be questioned Conceição Santos Oliveira
1. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is in free fall. And now we speak openly of a new government.
Over the weekend, in Perugia, the House speaker Gianfranco Fini called for the resignation of Berlusconi.
Fini, a former fascist who now wears the clothes of a right ideologically liberal, democratic and respectful of human rights, has launched the guidelines of his new party, Future and Freedom. The current chairman of the House had founded the neo-fascist National Alliance party, and had dissolved by joining the coalition in support of Berlusconi, leader of the PDL.
Fini's name was printed on a ballot at the last election. It stood out immediately under the name of Berlusconi. This fact is used by MPs close to Fini to support the contention that Berlusconi did not win the elections alone.
In the last three months, Berlusconi has cleverly tried to destroy Fini. He was involved in a scandal the newspaper controlled by Berlusconi's brother. Would be involved in a great swindle in the sale of an apartment in Monte Carlo in-law would have benefited at the expense of the National Alliance, former owner of the property. Among other things, the property was donated to his death by a militant right-wing nationalist and fascist.
Yesterday we took the first major political defeat Berlusconi. His government has failed to approve the treaty in parliament Italy-Libya signed May 15, 2009 by Italian Prime Minister with the Libyan dictator Gaddafi. It was the destruction of evidence, in fact, Berlusconi's parliamentary base.
The new party's parliamentary Future Freedom and voted with the opposition (Democratic Party) against the government of Prime Minister Berlusconi. This treaty, which violates the most elementary rules of protection of immigrants, was rejected.
To get an idea, that the treaty allowed on behalf of the Ministry of Interior, the Italian boat in international waters, were intercepted and immigrants were handed over to Libyan authorities. Libya does not accept on its territory, the UN agency for refugees, or a body that follows the cases of political refugees, like those who try to escape from the dictatorship of Gaddafi. So, those who seek to emigrate and are caught, they are subjected to an inhuman dictatorship. In Parliament, Berlusconi has
currently only on the support of the Northern League, and this obviously does not give him a majority. As everyone knows, without a majority are unable to govern.
2. What's more the political crisis, the ethical, moral, and the renewal of crime are back in full to hit Berlusconi.
In the early afternoon today (November 10, NDT) has been disassembled the farce that the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, staged yesterday at the Senate to end groped sexygate also known as the case of Ruby heartthrob. The
pm Anna Maria Fiorillo of the juvenile court denied the version supported by Maroni. According to her, police in Milan that fateful May 27, 2010, (X) has failed to pay their respects to the Italian law that Berlusconi was interested in the liberation of minor el Mahroug Karina, known in the world of prostitutes Ruby Heartbreaker.
Just to remember.
On May 27, 2010, Ruby, an escort who attended orgies Berlusconi, was arrested on charges of stealing € 3,000.
friend of Ruby, the Brazilian Conceição Oliveira Santos, also known name Michelle Conceição de Oliveira, telephoned Berlusconi to tell him of the arrest and ask for help.
Berlusconi called the police from the phone the head of the bodyguards and to justify the release said that Ruby, a Moroccan without a residence permit in Italy, was the nephew of Mubarak, the Egyptian president. Then had to be freed in order to avoid diplomatic problems: Mubarak has formally protested.
After pressure from Prime Minister Berlusconi made directly, Ruby was delivered, against laws protecting minors in an irregular situation, the protection of Nicole Minetti.
In the police station, Minetti introduced himself as a former dental hygienist Berlusconi: was elected with the support of Berlusconi, the Regional Council of Lombardy. Immediately after liberation, less than a block from police headquarters, Minetti would abandon Ruby.
pm For Fiorillo, who turned to the CSM, there was failure to comply with the law by the police. It was also violated its decision: May 27 that she was on duty at the Juvenile Court.
In these cases, said Fiorillo at the site of the newspaper La Repubblica, the child is sent to a halfway house. As seats were available in various houses, the Milan police could not, against the claim of the prosecutor, give Ruby Nicole Minetti, 27.
In summary, the full version Minister Maroni of the Northern League was denied and reduced to powder by Fiorillo pm. Now the case is the MSM, which could give reason to the judge.
3. Ruby was 17 when he attended the celebrations and said that Berlusconi's villa in Arcore danced the "bunga-bunga."
Originally bunga-bunga was a Kenyan tribal dance in which men were moving in line, waiting their turn to sodomize the enemy captured. The parties Arcore they had a "train" and the various items of clothing flew off during development of the symbolic figures.
On 1 November 2010 Ruby has over 18 years. Since then, celebrate in elegant nightclubs and parties will continue throughout the month with cake, champagne and many guests.
NEWS FLASH. Expects the deposition of Conceição Santos Oliveira, the Brazilian who had the mobile number of Berlusconi. Currently, these
already did his best to find - as in the case of the Neapolitan Noemi (also underage when he met Berlusconi) - A boyfriend for Ruby. His name is Sergio. On the cover of the magazine just out on newsstands today, there's the photo of Veronica Lario Berlusconi has filed for divorce. The cover title is evocative: "The true story of Veronica."
( Original article by Walter Fanganiello Maierovitch )
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