Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brazzers Billing 2010

Italy from abroad -" Il Cavaliere "indecent

published an article by El Universal.mx of January 18, 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad ):

"Il Cavaliere" indecent

He was proud of being a "casanova" scandals with minors until they put under the magnifying glass.

A new scandal of a sexual nature and abuse of power threatens the political career of Silvio Berlusconi, three times prime minister of Italy. It accuses the prime minister had paid to have sexual relations with a minor and that he used his political office to hide the incident.

The latest scandal involves a beautiful Moroccan girl known as "Ruby Heartbreaker", which participated in the festivities in settantaquettrenne magnate's villa in Arcore, outside Milan.

Karima El Mahroug, this is the real name of the girl, an exotic dancer, has confessed that he had received at least seven thousand euro by Berlusconi, who would have pity for her plight, however, has denied having sex with Knight and that he was aware that she was under 18 when he participated in the feasts described in the Italian press as genuine orgies.

Berlusconi, owner of telecommunications empire Mediaset, which dominates the middle of Italian television, said he never paid a woman for sex, but his reputation is that of a Casanova narcissus and unredeemed "at least I'm not gay," said ironically.

The storm triggered by judicial "Ruby" broke out last Friday, just a day after the Constitutional Court would put limitations on the immunity of Berlusconi.
The "law of such failure" had allowed the premier to stop three criminal trials pending against him for bribery of judges (Mills case), appropriate items in error (case Mediatrade) and fraud (case Mediaset).

Like a cat on his back, with less of its nine lives, Berlusconi defends himself and says that the new charge is a "grotesque attempt to destroy him politically." Only in December, the prime minister had passed a motion of no confidence in Parliament.

In his defense, Berlusconi, great communicator, is to use a video, with whom he wanted to erase the image of Latin Lover that his acquaintances from woman to woman have built since the 80s when he left his wife Carla Elvira Dall'Oglio to go with his mistress and later second wife, Veronica Lario, with whom he divorced when he discovered his affair with a prostitute on the high board, Patrick D'Addario and the minor Letizia, who called him " Papi. " The exaggerated

leadership of Berlusconi does not seem to be anything other than the exercise of freedom that gives not only be three times prime minister, but also the third richest man in Italy and the 74th in the world with a personal fortune of nine billion dollars.

His parties, which circulate hot pictures and videos, show smiling invited (the current Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was one of them, the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, another one), happy people, beautiful, with a few clothes or nothing, waste and wantonness, all the glamor that some powerful can afford and allow for more of iraccontare television series, soap operas, television competitions or sensationalist press.

Berlusconi's power stems largely from the model and its media empire, Mediaset, has made: life as a kind of big party at which you can enter in an economic libertarian and through the television screen. The organization

Berusconi current policy is called the People's Party of Freedom in contrast for example, with Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty, which collects part of the liberal tradition and the Italian left and that is decisively opposed to that which is according to his view, the perverse and corrupt democracy introduced by Knight.

Berlusconi has been described by political scientists as the Italian politician who has proclaimed his constituents: "Be like me, enjoy my lifestyle, even if only on television. The problem is that Berlusconi has governed Italy, cradle of Roman law, the home of a political theorist Antonio Gramsci and the Italian Communist Party disappeared and feared, as if it were a TV channel.

This is his experience, sure of success, and does not seem to have another. Except that not everything that works in the management of the small screen, where they can make up stories to entertain and distract, serves in the conduct of the Italian government and a country plagued by unemployment and economic crisis, as seen in the three periods during which Berlusconi has exercised the power (1994-95, 2001-2006 and from 2008 to present).

The prime minister has already surpassed other scandals, some of a sexual nature and others of corruption and links with the mafia, but what he is now leading with "Ruby Heartbreaker" appears catastrophe: it investigates the Prime Minister in a case of incitement to prostitution of a minor.

addition, it was disclosed that the prime minister has used his influence to Ruby released from prison last May, when he was accused of stealing money and jewels against a prostitute. For the Prime Minister in these circumstances, the political survival is over.

Thousands of young Italians, who do not seem to be attracted by its television and its models from the calendar, have mobilized all over the country late last year to reject the cuts at the university.

Of course, represent a minority in the context of the weakness of social organizations in Europe that has buried communism and democracy against the wall and the unions, but at least it delivered a message of alternative dispute. "Ruby" with his ingenuity by Lolita has not stolen all the hearts.

saying that now has a girlfriend and seeks emotional stability, Berlusconi seems to appeal to the sentimentality of the public media to get the forgiveness of his sins, and opposition politicians are not willing to concede. Berlusconi is discovering that the reality surpasses the history of television and its scarce public virtues do not serve as a counterweight to his private vices.

( Original article by Eduardo Mora Tavares )


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