Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thesis Statement Of A Raisin In Thesun

Italy from Abroad - Famous Intellectuals ask Berlusconi " Resign! "

published an article by El País of 5 February 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

famous intellectuals ask Berlusconi: "Resign!"

In Milan, thousands of people attended a protest demonstration against the prime minister. Eco, Pollini and channeled the outrage Saviano town. Echo: "We are here to defend the honor of Italy, a country we are not pimps."

The first example of the divided town growing indignation against Silvio Berlusconi celebrated today at Palasharp Milan. Called by the Freedom and Justice, intellectuals such as Umberto Eco, Roberto Saviano, the pianist Maurizio Pollini, the journalist Concita De Gregorio and Paul Ginsborg, English historian and Italian citizen, today demanded the resignation of Prime Minister in front of about 9,000 people who filled the sports hall and various other thousands who have followed the event by 'on big screens outside.

The most ironic and poignant was that of Umberto Eco. "I came here with a lot of skepticism, thinking that as we cry, Berlusconi did not resign ever. We thought he had in common with Mubarak only a granddaughter, and now we see that also has a habit of not wanting to resign. Even with the army against, "he joked.

"Why does not resign our head of government? "Eco continued between the laughter of those present. "First, because if it did, would fall into the hands of judges. And second, because it has members willing to do anything, who have not yet reached the requirements to obtain sufficient retirement, or have not received enough jewelry. It is well supported. What are we doing here then? We have come to defend the honor of Italy, "he continued to applause.

"We came here to remind the world that we are a nation of pimps, that not everyone would do the same if we had the money, that we are not like those fathers who encourage their daughters to go to parties to see what happens. Maybe we are a minority, but it does not matter. During the fascist period only 11 university professors do not swore allegiance to the Duce. But they saved the honor of Italy. "

The author of The Name of the Rose also explained that he is tired of receiving scolding when he goes abroad. "A few months ago I received smiles of solidarity, now look at me wrong and tell me 'but you, so do not say anything?'. I am outraged. They do not know that we are fighting here. Today, here are some foreign journalists. At last they will see that there are Italians who say no, which are different from their brothers worse. Now it is just to increase the number of those willing to come every day in the street and say no. We do not. And not because we are the ones who go to bed early. I'm going to bed late because I read Kant. "

Gustavo Zagregelsky, former judge of the Constitutional Court, opened the event by reading the manifesto Nights of Arcore and night Italian, which explains the demands of mobilization. "The Italians want to legality, not connivance, they want security, not security, they want to be citizens, not customers. Have had enough of this. Do not want to have to leave the country to avoid being humiliated. "

When on stage has brought Roberto Saviano, the moment was exciting. The building has received standing shouting "Roberto, Roberto." The thirty year old author of Gomorrah said that "Italian democracy is hostage to vote-buying is happening in the south of the country, where a vote costs 50 €, or 15 when it comes to primaries."

The writer added that it was necessary to "talk to the other parts of the country, the one that still supports the prime minister," to avoid the logic of the division, and find common ground without bothering to argue about who has the purest . We must regain the unity of the country. Get their hands dirty, to work, take risks. Resist as did Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and others who fought against the State criminal to defend constitutional values. "

Saviano said that Italian democracy is not like classical totalitarianism, but added that "those who criticize the government knows who goes to meet the de-legitimization of the machine and intimidation of the mud. If you've used for years of gossip extortion to control its political rivals does not feel threatened by any revelation. They want to establish the idea that we are all equal, but it is not true, we are not all equal, we all do the same things. When we are all equal wins the most "clever" (in Italian in the text, NDT), the most cunning. " The pianist Maurizio Pollini

recalled that for many years "suffers because Italy had an unworthy government." Now we see a change, a different future, but uncertain, warned: "Even if our dream can be realized, there may be a new plebiscite even more dangerous for our democracy. We have long suffered from blindness, apathy, indifference and stupidity around us, We were told one lie after another. It is necessary that people react. But there are things far more serious than the parties: the president has created around himself a huge network of corruption. "

Pollini touched on another thorny issue: "The Mafia has always Italy supported force, "he said. "Friends of the President were convicted of complicity with the Mafia. It is possible that the mafia is in love with the President, which is an unhappy love affair. But I do not think this government will fight against the Mafia as much as there would be no need. " Pollini also cited the reprisals against journalists.

Susanna Camusso, leader of the largest union, CGIL, has taken another step forward in the criticism of the head of government. "When we say that Berlusconi should resign for a more just country, not just think of the judiciary but also to social justice. His constant aim is to divide: workers, students, the Italians and foreigners, young people and their fathers. "

Italy has no need for words of other times, he said the trade unionist, who was wearing a white scarf as a sign of mourning for democracy and freedom "rights, responsibilities, duties, respect people, not separate bodies from the mind. We need an understandable language. We need to talk to Berlusconi, no girls under 18. We can not speak of 'vellum' to keep quiet about the responsibility and the risk of blackmail, which is under the president. This country has a serious problem with sexuality. Many men have it. It is not a joke. We women now are not more people but goods ".

Paul Ginsburg, author of Saving Italy, and that two years ago he obtained Italian citizenship, called on the phone Italians to rebel against "the system" to recover democracy and find a new relationship between public and private: "Berlusconi has invited us all to be predators of the public. Now we must retrieve the public, "he said.

With a video, the former President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro has asked citizens not to surrender, called for "freedom and dignity" and recalled that the first premise of a "democracy is the independence of the judiciary". "Berlusconi has the duty to defend before the courts, first of all to respect the constitutional principles."

( Original article by Miguel Mora )


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