Monday, November 17, 2008

How Much Do De Beers Rings Cost

Napoliclub in support of NATHAN

I'm delighted to announce that the Napoliclub Bolzano decided to join our project by placing our appeal on their blog! (Go to post Napoliclub)

I open a small parenthesis, and sorry if I use this space to talk about a private matter, but it is not too good to be told: May Nathan, my son has been accepted in Napoliclub and trains with them. Until then I had always been afraid to enter Nathan in any sports club, for fear that it could be excluded or could not compete with other non-disabled children. But when I became aware of 'climate of love and friendship and solidarity which revolves around the company, I got my heart in my hand and I took my son to his first training Calio. I will not conceal that we were both agitated, I maybe even more than my son! Nathan was welcomed with open arms by the hand in this, his first experience in the sports world, with love and patience, which I can not even describe. With every minute that passed became more sure of himself, to turn around with an expression on his face that seemed to say: "Mom, did you see that I?" That was one of those moments you never forget, a small (but huge for me) milestone in the life of Nathan! And I add: thanks to Nathan Napoliclub inimmaginabbile purchased a security, both with movements, but also from the psychological point of view. I do not know if these are fantastic guys Napoliclub correntte what they are doing for us ... certain is that I will never cease to thank them for what they're doing!

So I can only say: Come Napoliclub!


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