Monday, March 7, 2011

Eggless Cake In Houston

Exhibitions and conferences concerning Egypt

THE CHARM IN EGYPT. The role of pre-and post-unification of Italy in the rediscovery of ancient Egypt. From March 12 to October 2, 2011 Orvieto, Museo "Claudio Faina" and Palazzo Coelli

A major exhibition on Egypt will be held from March 12 to October 2 in Orvieto . The jointly proposed and organized the Foundation for the Museum "Claudio Faina" and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Orvieto in their two locations, one facing and the other near the square that houses the famous Dome of the Umbrian city.

should immediately be made clear that it is a further step in a "show tour". This coordinated by Joseph M. Della Fina, scientific director of the Foundation for the Museum "C. Faina, and curated by Egyptologist Elvira D'Amicone of Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Piedmont and the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Turin and Massimiliana Pozzi (Archaeological Cooperative Society) is an original exhibition, designed specifically for Orvieto. It will bring together about 250 objects - many of them of great importance - granted by a dozen museums and Italian cultural institutions.
The subtitle makes it clear cut that scholars have wanted to give this large, important event, "The role of pre-and post-unification of Italy in the rediscovery of ancient Egypt," which is what the Egyptologists have left our country been able to do around the banks of the Nile, attracted there by the spirit of adventure, sometimes the thirst for easy money, many other objective of increasing knowledge on the ancient Land of the Pharaohs. "The charm of Egypt, called by the show's title, crossing at least three thousand years of human history. From the land of Egypt were taken cultural ideas, cults, deities, customs, and then, as if to capture a sense of mystery and eternity of the magical civilization, were removed material evidence: they were the great obelisks reached Rome, or what was stolen from the graves. A fascination with ancient infected the Middle Ages and the Renaissance when enchanted princes and intellectuals considered findings were fighting more than just archaeological curiosities.
But at the end of the eighteenth century and especially during the nineteenth century that sand and oases of Egypt are beaten every inch of Europe, and among them many Italians, in search of what remained of a neglected era from Turkish domination.
The modern Egyptology has a precise date of birth, the year 1822, when Jean-François Champollion deciphered, thanks to the Rosetta stone, the hieroglyphic writing. With him, in a joint Franco-Tuscan expedition that traveled to Egypt (1828-1829), was the Italian Ippolito Rossellini.
In fact, as the exhibit documents, involved in a "race to Egypt" were men who often united to the charm of the Pharaohs to the antiquarian trade. Two of them have created the basis for many museums. Giovanni Battista Belzoni, Padova, the first to enter the pyramid of Khafre and the rock temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel, the entrance of sumptuous tombs in the Valley of the Kings and put together for his patron Henry Salt, the founding core of the Egyptian collection at the British Museum , not to mention his hometown where he tied some important findings. The second, Drovetti Bernardino, Piedmont, the French consul in Egypt, bringing together a vast collection of no less than that sold to the Savoy, is now the core assets of another museum, the Egyptian Turin.
Two stories in an era that saw many Italian players in Egypt . The exhibition of stories presents many curious. Like that of Luigi Vassalli , Milanese painter and intellectual, that the role of political passion and patriotic Risorgimento took exile in Egypt where he became a collaborator and a talented Egyptologist Auguste Mariette in the Egyptian Antiquities Service as inspector of the excavations. He was responsible for numerous initiatives in the emerging field of Egyptology Italian and a short direction of the Egyptian collection of the Archaeological Museum of Naples.
But Carlo Vidua and Egyptology Italian Giuseppe Acerbi that represent important people. But it is the figure of Ernesto Schiaparelli, "The charm of Egypt" focuses more broadly. Schiaparelli discovered the Tomb of Nefertari and the tomb of Kha, the royal architect, it is perfectly preserved, before being director of the Egyptian Museum in Florence and then to Turin.
curious maze of relationships and contact points among the many stories that deal with rich archaeological heritage and resulting in the show from the account. Showcase after showcase Egypt is the most beautiful to be revealed.
The observation of prehistoric tombs and artifacts from the same period, revealing the high technology characteristic of Egyptian culture at this stage, takes the visitor to understand Egyptology as the Italian has failed even the less well-known Egyptian prehistory.
the footsteps of the Italian archaeological missions, you will see elements of funerary artifacts that illustrate how various ages who come from Middle Egypt, dating back to 1900 BC , and others who come from Valley of the Queens and dated to 700 BC.
The many ideas offered by the exposed materials can address in a comprehensive way some aspects of daily life in ancient Egypt, to examine issues such as preservation of fascinating material such delicate fabrics, and to analyze the information that researchers can draw from contemporary cutting-edge diagnostic tests.
THE CHARM IN EGYPT. The role of pre-and post-unification of Italy in the rediscovery of ancient Egypt
Orvieto, Museo "Claudio Faina" (Piazza del Duomo, 19) and Palazzo Coelli, seat of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Orvieto (Phoebe Piazza, 3).
Show sponsored by the Foundation for the Museum "Claudio Faina" and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Orvieto.
Show coordinated by Giuseppe Della Pina, Elvira D'Amicone organized by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Piedmont and
Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Turin and Maximilian Pozzi (Archaeological Cooperative Society).
Hours: 9.30 to 18.
Information and reservations: tel. 0763-341511 and 0763-393835

(Article taken from -charm-dellegitto-the-role-dellitalia-pre-and post-unit-in-discovery-dellantico-egypt-by-12-March-to-October-2011-2-Orvieto-museum-and-weasel-claudio -palace-coelli.html


Conference of the Friends and associates of the Egyptian Museum - Turin, February 7 to May 2 2011

February 7, 2011 - May 2, 2011

Monday, February 7, 18:00
Anna Ferrari
wonderland: Egypt in Greek mythology and Roman

Monday, March 7, 18:00
Lidia Brahmins
Egyptian Myth and ethics in the thought of Mozart's Masonic

Monday, April 4, 18:00
Sergio Pernigotti
life of a village the Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt: Bakchias

Monday, May 2, 18:00
Alessandro Bongioanni
Egypt Caligula

Free admission subject to availability For information

National University Library Auditorium, Piazza Carlo Alberto, 3 - Torino

(Taken from: http: / /

Lidia Brahmins


that Mozart had joined the Freemasons became well known to many. Not everyone knows, however, as this accession, which led him to forge strong links with the lodges in Vienna, he fueled in him the draft to create a secret society inspired by the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof the Masonic tradition.
regular visitor to the intelligentsia more progressive era, a man of great humanity and unique culture, in possession of a selected library, Mozart was not only the immortal composer that everyone knows and even the fickle and children that many have described. Awkward and irreverent, in the course of his life he cultivated the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality without ever yielding to the ideological tendencies of the great historical and cultural patchwork of which was a part: yet convinced libertarian use of hostile violence, a fervent anti-clerical who also cultivated a strong sacred vision of life, Mozart was an artist able to give people a great lesson of our age of modernity.
marks his unique worldview - not quite comparable to the currents that would have resulted in the French Revolution - also the element alchemy and esoteric.
Dismantling the romantic cliche of the musician is completely absorbed by his work and alien to the world around him, Lidia creates a Brahmin-documented and systematic reconstruction of Mozart's complex world, reducing it to a conception unit in which to speak is the last great works for the theater, from The Marriage of Figaro to Clemenza di Tito, through Don Giovanni, Cosi fan tutte and The Magic Flute.

I. Literature, ethics and politics in the thought of Freemason Mozart
1. A complex personality and consciousness. Theories, the people, the selected library: a mesh of relationships and limited consistent
2. Political references in the circle of Freemasons and the Illuminati of Bavaria: Sonnenfels, van Swieten, Blumauer, Born, Wieland, Pezzl, Mesmer, Ziegenhagen
3. Individual ethics and social
Loyalty and legally guarantee in Thamos, König von Aegypten KV345 (366th) - The allegory of moral Gebler in ancient Greek sources and modern reworkings: Télémaque Fenelon and Sethos of Terrasson - The raid the supernatural to sanction the condemnation of the unjust, as Semiramis, in Don Giovanni and Magic Flute - The concept of death mediated by Giordano Bruno and merged in Moses Mendelssohn's Phaedo
4. A bold project: to found a company called secret cave. Nature to hear Mozart
5. The freedom and erotic costumes mediated, among others, by Beaumarchais, Molière, Mesmer, Wieland, Ziegenhagen, Diderot, Pezzl, Blumauer, Oetinger
6. Mozart and the thought of the late eighteenth century Masonic
7. Rosicrucian influences
8. Alchemy, mysticism, ancient myth and Freemasonry
9. News of thought Mozart

II. The long initiation
1. The sixties. Apollo, the rose, the dead friend, the natural affection
2. 1772-1773. Even Apollo
- "the oppression": The king shepherd and legal certainty
3. 1777-1778. Mannheim, Monaco, Augusta, Paris
- The legendary East: Semiramide
4. 1779-1780. The legendary East: Zaide
- The discovery of a fragment Air Die neugeborne Ros'entzückt KV365a, composed by Mozart for the two nights of frantic Gozzi, comedy in which assets are some situations in the Marriage of Figaro
5. 1781-1783. The Abduction from the Seraglio ol'elogio tolerance
6. 1784-1785. Years of initiation
- Dir, Seele des Weltalls or Sonne KV429 (468th), the Lied zur Gesellenreise KV468 initiation of Leopold
- Die Maurerfreude KV471
- Death in Trauermusik KV477 (479th) and Lieder KV483a and KV483b, lost
- The Lied der Freiheit "(" Song of Freedom ") KV506, for voice and piano, text by Blumauer
7. 1786
8. 1787. The Mozart Stammbuch
- The Stammbuch of Kronauer
- The Lied KV518 Verschweigung Die ("The commitment to remain silent") and the shadow of Orpheus
9. 1788. Pacifism
10. 1789-1790. Zur Hoffnung gekrönten
- A work of many hands: The Philosopher's Stone
11. 1791. The year of death. Children's rights
- The last steps
- The funeral

III. Le nozze di Figaro
1. The assumption of the political marriage of Voltaire, and Beaumarchais Pezzl
2. Compassion: to suffer together as the value on which to build individual and collective ethics
3. Cherubino: a being suspended between childhood and adulthood, including processing and fantasy, between homosexuality and heterosexuality
4. The happy ending is a project
5. The birth of The Marriage of Figaro in the memories of Leopold Mozart, Lorenzo Da Ponte, Michael Kelly
6. The belief in the role of Mozart's comedy
7. The mask and fiction
8. Following action and music: the space bounded by the suggestion of desire. The theme of forgiveness, leading to extreme consequences of its value Politics in Clemenza di Tito, here is an existential challenge
- Act One
- Act II
- Act Three
- Act IV

IV. Don Giovanni
1. The moral condemnation of Don Giovanni
- Falstaff from Shakespeare to Moliere's Don Giovanni
- The animated statue, from Plato's Meno to Sethos of Terrasson
- Deception without deceit of the oracles in Sethos Terrasson: the encounter between magic, divine and artistic
- Shakespeare's The otherworldly voice in contamination between Semiramide and Don Gioovanni
- The encounter with death and the supernatural in a Masonic Tafelloge, which is enshrined in the moral condemnation of Don Giovanni
- The hand in the tradition of magic and medicine and the character heads sculptor Messerschmidt as illustrations of the theories of Mesmer
- The statue of Kirkby as automaton and Automathes
- occult philosophia Renaissance to the eighteenth-century Masonic currents: the art of memory in Pico, Camillo, Ficino, Bruno. The statue, which moves in the hermetic thought, from dies Egyptian, Classical and Neo-Platonic influences to the Shakespearean
- Death in the Phaedo of Mendelssohn and Goethe Clavigo
- The relationship with the ' afterlife in Percy Hannah More
- the property frenzy of Don Giovanni
2. Comic and tragic
3. Eroticism and happiness. Tristia of Ovid
4. Direct and indirect sources, genesis and first performance
5. The endless reading of Don Giovanni
6. Musical clues: the transformation initiation of couples. Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Zerlina and Masetto, obsessive control the inaction of Don Giovanni, Leporello and Donna Elvira

V. Così fan tutte
1. Così fan tutte: an experiment in alchemy affective
2. A non-frivolous and not bitter
3. The bet on the fidelity of women
- contempt for the politics of suspicion
- From Arabian Nights to Ariosto
- Shadow of Molière
- The influence of Shakespeare
- The myth of the Phoenix hermetic
- The works of Christoph Martin Wieland and the opportunity to love two people
- The man who violates the feminine: Shakespeare's Lucrece
4. Mesmer and the birth of dynamic psychiatry
5. The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz and Metaphysics in connection with the chemistry of Oetinger
6. Diderot
7. Censorship
8. The rite of loss, detachment and death in Terzettino Zadok The
9. Following action and music from Mozart to the coincidentia oppositorum Jung
- Act One
- Act II

VI. Die Zauberflöte
1. Possible sources and contributions to the text of the initiation Zauberflöte
- A work of enlightenment?
- Grounds Masonic and Rosicrucian in the footsteps of Shakespeare, Terrasson and Wieland
2. The importance of myth in ancient Masonic thought and Music Magic Flute
- An anthropological ground between music and myth greek
- Mythos and Musik: Orpheus, Apollo, Dionysus and the music as mythography substance of the Magic Flute
- Fatal attraction between myth and ancient greek music opera
- The Music of Orpheus myth in European culture
3. Les Fables & Egyptiennes Grecques dévoilées & reduites même au Prince, avec une explication des hieroglyphes et de la guerre de Troye, and the Dictionnaire Mytho-Hermétique Abbot Antoine-Joseph Pernety: symbols and signs of the ancient greek myth and the Egyptian and Eastern esoteric tradition and reworked by the eighteenth-century Masonic
- Hermes Trismegistus
- The hieroglyphs
4. The comic and tragic in the last years of his life and work
5. Following action and music: the Orphic interpretation of classical antiquity and the re-eighteenth-century alchemical myths of Greek and Egyptian, with interpolations Latin
- Act One
- Act II

VII. La Clemenza di Tito
1. The political project Mozart
- The Socialist Ziegenhagen
2. Inspirations libertarians
- From Télémaque Fenelon to Sethos of Terrasson
- Joseph von Sonnenfels: a new conception of justice and punishment
- The Poetry of the Aeneid disguised Aloys Blumauer
- Johan Baptist von Alxinger
- The separation between temporal and spiritual power: a secular vision of the State
- Education and public health. Equality between citizens and states. Abolition of slavery. Pacifism
3. The death of Mozart
4. The birth of Clemenza di Tito
5. A choice of Mozart: the text of the libretto of Metastasio Mazzola, by "the oppression" of the King Shepherd to 'benefit those who were oppressed of Mercy
6. The previous literature of Clemenza di Tito
7. Following action and music in the purity of architectural work scanned in closed forms, the sheet outlines medallions ethical, political and existential. Musically, Tito is dematerialized and became a hero of thought which wants to law
- Act One
- Act II

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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"Argi +" L-Arginine with plant extracts

Forever Living Products also offers the L-arginine in Italy!
Indeed it is a food supplement and is used for a long time in athletic training in the treatment of certain diseases and in various situations in which use this amino acid can result in benefits. So what? What is so special in this preparation, in view of the utility, could be in the catalog for some time? Forever Living Products has wanted to present a unique and usable in many circumstances with more features that make it a real answer to the many needs of those who need or simply want to use to improve their performance. L-Arginine is involved in production of "energy" by the body and in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, allows more blood flow and homeostatic function. The consequence is that the organs and muscles are better nourished and oxygenated. In this preparation, we find that contain plant extracts and vitamins against free radicals.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Words For Funeralflowers

Italy from Abroad - The vicissitudes of a "clown"

Published an article by Charter Capital of the February 18, 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

The vicissitudes of a "clown"

Reflections on the process moved against Berlusconi with a short digression on the case Battisti

Berlusconi's Italy has provided the whole planet a circus of biblical proportions thanks to the excellent performance of Silvio, incomparable clown.

A panoramic view on the peninsula, even in light of un'attualissima analysis, however, can not be reduced to a caricature of the premier single figure, believed a casanova, which trivial tells jokes that he is the protagonist of gaffes with implications urbi et orbi, that is a perfect opportunity innopportuno pathological interpretation of the character, personality and childlike compulsive behaviors and predators.

The characteristics of Italian democracy was strong, after the war, the Constitution solid and long-lived, restricted by a Constituent Assembly, and the independent judiciary and effective, as is determined by the form of government. This

Justice ordered the most influential politician of the '80s and early '90s, the Prime Minister and Socialist leader, Craxi, who fled at the end in Tunisia where he remained until his death to avoid 20 years in prison.
That's right: the rich and powerful in Italy are also in prison.

is what happened with those who were involved in the wide and long operation called "Clean Hands. Involving ministers, parliamentarians, medium and large businesses, led to suicides and did implode the First Republic and with it the parties born after the end of fascism, starting with the Christian Democrats, the first to remain mired in the mud of corruption. Now this same

Justice moves against Berlusconi and set the 6th April, the beginning of the process that indicted for extortion and prostitution of a minor. The situation Prime Minister, who until now has managed to get by in spite of the growing political vicissitudes of the economic downturn and three legal slopes still in progress, maybe this time has irreparably compromised.

time ago, on the other hand, it brought a growing argument that Berlusconi could, from a certain point of view, following in the footsteps of Al Capone, who ended up being condemned as a fugitive, rather than as head of the crime organized. The Italian Justice

performs the task with precision and expertise that has been assigned within the Democratic State of Law. This is what we said last week a great writer, Umberto Eco, the program Annozero Rai, to show the contradiction of Berlusconi adopted the position of Cesare Battisti but does not want to be tried, said Eco.

The author of The Name of the Rose and other best-selling books worldwide said that to deny the extradition of Battisti "offends Italy and the Italians." And the reason is simple and understandable judging by the "no" by Lula, Brazil seems to believe blindly to an inmate in the prison of Papudo as a mystery writer (which is not Agatha Christie), with the certainties of those who ignores history and Italian claims to tear up a treaty signed in 1998, the law fully in force as approved by both parliaments.

In other words: Brazil does not believe in the Italian and International Justice, the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, a former Communist doc, nor in the left side of the peninsula has always been aligned with the PT [Partido dos Trabalhadores, the party of former Brazilian President Lula, NDT].

I did not want to go back on the case Baptists, but the ongoing clash between Berlusconi and the judiciary, whom he accuses of being "communist", I automatically leads to some considerations.

Despite the certainty of return to be put on the wall by the gross insults of those who frequent the Internet, aimed to show not only their own cowardice, but also and above all, his ignorance. It seems that Walter Fanganiello already has a callus that can withstand the hard day's perfidy that are spewed against.

scares me above all that sort of Internet users and many other citizens who are ready to confuse a thief in the suburbs, ideologically imprisoned, and terrorist pluriassassino, with the brave warriors willing to die in the name of freedom.

I'm scared because you never allow even a fragment of a doubt. Well, it is worth pointing out that doubt is a sign of intelligence). Omit comparisons between Umberto Eco and Fred Vargas.

( Home Rule Charter Mino )

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Italy from Abroad - The law

published an article by Guardian of February 12, 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

Law and Berlusconi


Basta is a word you hear very often in Italy, but never, apparently in connection with his Prime Minister. As outrageous or unwise actions were Silvio Berlusconi, the Italians have never said enough is enough, or at least in sufficient numbers or with sufficient conviction.

The turning point might have been there this week, after the Milan prosecutors submitted the application process in relation to allegations of exploitation of prostitution. Yes waiting for the judge's decision to start next week on the legitimacy of the request and, if granted, Berlusconi could be tried in April already. Apparently

Berlusconi has already been cornered court many times before. It 'been in court so many times that the exact number is a matter of debate, but the relationship between him and the law in the past and resemble those from a clumsy and agile fox hunter. The always candid, even when found guilty.

Usually we could prolong the proceedings until expiry of the limitation periods. When the law could not come to his aid has changed, and recently us try again. His control of television, in a country where only 10% of the population buys a newspaper, allowed him to bury the problems for most of the time. Even now, the developments of the case in other countries would be high on the ladder of television news are mysteriously placed in the middle or even lower.

But this time he will not be easy to escape. The story in question - his alleged payment for sexual services of a seventeen year old - took place early last year, too early for you to drop the criminal statute of limitations.

would be wrong to comment on this specific allegation, but it's always been out discussion that Berlusconi had too much to do with too many young women of a certain type. The movement of the People of Freedom party can be called [partly in English, NdT] in more ways than one. What happened may have been illegal or not, but it is certainly disgusting. And 'certainly also a great distraction from government commitments in a period in which Italy is facing serious economic and social problems demand special attention.

Meanwhile, the Italians seem to be plunged into a state of cynical resignation and for the faults of their leaders and for the degradation of politics. Although most people now think that Mr Berlusconi should resign, he is still in its place, claiming that his reputation is tarnished and that the magistrates left to get him. He says that all this damage to Italy, and it is certainly true, but not in the sense that he gives to the phrase. Now, Berlusconi could inflict harm to the country by forcing even bigger turnout on the issue of who should choose the political leadership of a country: the voters or the courts.

( Original article ) Public

How To Make Sopressata

Berlusconi and Italy from Abroad - Italy is ashamed of her embarrassing housekeeper

an article in Der Spiegel of February 9, 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

Italy is ashamed of her embarrassing housekeeper

Now, therefore, extortion and sex with a minor: the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi a new threat looms. E 'escaped in 16 trials, and yet this did not create big problems. But one thing has changed, its people began to be ashamed of him.

Milan - It is becoming increasingly difficult for the collegiate Silvio Berlusconi. Wednesday the court of Milan asked him for the ceremony immediately. The court must decide in the coming days if Berlusconi is on trial again. This time it paid sex with a minor and abuse of office.

If Berlusconi were to be judged for this risk several years in prison. The media magnate settantaquattrenne defined the measure of the judiciary, illegal, "a disgrace". It would all just a smear campaign to oust him and his government. His lawyer speaks of "violation of the Constitution."

Prosecutors in Milan on the other hand claim to have sufficient evidence that Berlusconi paid other women for sex and among them the night-club dancer from Morocco "Ruby", the first time still seventeen. The latter took part in orgies in the home of some of Berlusconi. Then, when "Ruby" was arrested by the police for theft, Berlusconi himself would have called and asked for his release. It 's the nephew of President Mubarak of Egypt, he explained to the police.

Both "Ruby" that the potential liberator deny that they were intimate. And Berlusconi insists he has never paid a woman for sexual services. How it really went into the house of the Prime Minister, what the throngs of young, beautiful women and Berlusconi and his guests have been delighted each other during and after the dinner, will now have to clarify the judiciary.

An embarrassing housekeeper

has long been clear that Italy has rather a housekeeper very embarrassing. The newspapers report daily the slimy details of sex scandals, alleged or real, the Prime Minister and his club of old men and women reported the interception of entrants, with satisfaction, speak freely of the practices at the court of the great Italian master.

The man owns or controls much of the public and private television, is the undisputed lord of Italy's largest party, the PDL has a multibillion-dollar personal fortune, and won overwhelmingly in the last elections. But it is more presentable.

Despite his large arsenal of gags and barzellete, has long been unpopular with many of his colleagues in the circle of heads of government European Union. Although no one dares say it out loud. Why Italy is a large, important country. Both the German Chancellor, that the French president or British prime minister, Berlusconi often need to achieve their goals. And now you ride even under the mustache of the "bunga-bunga", the Italian play.

Escaped to 16 processes

Berlusconi is not yet formally accused let alone convicted. Probably - in one way or another - will not be either. So far it has escaped the 16 processes, ranging from tax evasion to bribery charges. Two processes are still ongoing. The others ended with the acquittal, the prescription and archiving.

Occasionally its majority in Parliament has helped him against the onslaught of the judiciary with small changes in the laws. For Berlusconi and his friends all allegations of attacks had always been "red togas" politicized. Even now he is all "just garbage".
but the number of Italians who dissociates himself from him now seems to grow strongly. Last Saturday, tens of thousands of people gathered in Milan with the slogan "Enough," which meant "Berlusconi resign." In many cities, is collecting signatures for early elections. Next Sunday, the women organize "If not now when?", A large demonstration in Rome. With this head of government they felt "like a bad movie of the Fifties", complained to organizers. Other protests, held mainly by women - so far the most loyal audience of tearful afternoon broadcasts of his TV and private bulk of the electorate - to be held in more than a hundred cities in Italy. In internet forums and social networks-spread campaign "stop Berlusconi."

Italy begins to feel ashamed

The Italians have a lot to forgive Berlusconi over the years. They have taken his eyes and pretended not to hear, when formulating its justice charges. For the most part was the "lesser evil". Many said that he is rich enough, does not need to steal into the coffers of the state, as did the others.

They smirk of plastic surgery and hair transplants, which makes it look like a zombie settantaquattrenne the young. "But if the good luck of his age," said his female fans. And many people liked the macho attitude Berlusconi. And the opposition still bickering and grumbling that confronts all this as if it was glamorous.

But now beginning to be ashamed. If the media does not speak English and German more harm than Berlusconi, but we will just laugh and ridicule, this touches the soul of the people. "Bella Figura" makes you do your representative. At home and abroad.

This climate change could be far more dangerous for Berlusconi of his upcoming trial in court. Even as this can damage much more quickly, since the time of justice in Italy are much, much slower than elsewhere in Europe.

( Original article by Hans-Jürgen Schlamp )

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thesis Statement Of A Raisin In Thesun

Italy from Abroad - Famous Intellectuals ask Berlusconi " Resign! "

published an article by El País of 5 February 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

famous intellectuals ask Berlusconi: "Resign!"

In Milan, thousands of people attended a protest demonstration against the prime minister. Eco, Pollini and channeled the outrage Saviano town. Echo: "We are here to defend the honor of Italy, a country we are not pimps."

The first example of the divided town growing indignation against Silvio Berlusconi celebrated today at Palasharp Milan. Called by the Freedom and Justice, intellectuals such as Umberto Eco, Roberto Saviano, the pianist Maurizio Pollini, the journalist Concita De Gregorio and Paul Ginsborg, English historian and Italian citizen, today demanded the resignation of Prime Minister in front of about 9,000 people who filled the sports hall and various other thousands who have followed the event by 'on big screens outside.

The most ironic and poignant was that of Umberto Eco. "I came here with a lot of skepticism, thinking that as we cry, Berlusconi did not resign ever. We thought he had in common with Mubarak only a granddaughter, and now we see that also has a habit of not wanting to resign. Even with the army against, "he joked.

"Why does not resign our head of government? "Eco continued between the laughter of those present. "First, because if it did, would fall into the hands of judges. And second, because it has members willing to do anything, who have not yet reached the requirements to obtain sufficient retirement, or have not received enough jewelry. It is well supported. What are we doing here then? We have come to defend the honor of Italy, "he continued to applause.

"We came here to remind the world that we are a nation of pimps, that not everyone would do the same if we had the money, that we are not like those fathers who encourage their daughters to go to parties to see what happens. Maybe we are a minority, but it does not matter. During the fascist period only 11 university professors do not swore allegiance to the Duce. But they saved the honor of Italy. "

The author of The Name of the Rose also explained that he is tired of receiving scolding when he goes abroad. "A few months ago I received smiles of solidarity, now look at me wrong and tell me 'but you, so do not say anything?'. I am outraged. They do not know that we are fighting here. Today, here are some foreign journalists. At last they will see that there are Italians who say no, which are different from their brothers worse. Now it is just to increase the number of those willing to come every day in the street and say no. We do not. And not because we are the ones who go to bed early. I'm going to bed late because I read Kant. "

Gustavo Zagregelsky, former judge of the Constitutional Court, opened the event by reading the manifesto Nights of Arcore and night Italian, which explains the demands of mobilization. "The Italians want to legality, not connivance, they want security, not security, they want to be citizens, not customers. Have had enough of this. Do not want to have to leave the country to avoid being humiliated. "

When on stage has brought Roberto Saviano, the moment was exciting. The building has received standing shouting "Roberto, Roberto." The thirty year old author of Gomorrah said that "Italian democracy is hostage to vote-buying is happening in the south of the country, where a vote costs 50 €, or 15 when it comes to primaries."

The writer added that it was necessary to "talk to the other parts of the country, the one that still supports the prime minister," to avoid the logic of the division, and find common ground without bothering to argue about who has the purest . We must regain the unity of the country. Get their hands dirty, to work, take risks. Resist as did Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and others who fought against the State criminal to defend constitutional values. "

Saviano said that Italian democracy is not like classical totalitarianism, but added that "those who criticize the government knows who goes to meet the de-legitimization of the machine and intimidation of the mud. If you've used for years of gossip extortion to control its political rivals does not feel threatened by any revelation. They want to establish the idea that we are all equal, but it is not true, we are not all equal, we all do the same things. When we are all equal wins the most "clever" (in Italian in the text, NDT), the most cunning. " The pianist Maurizio Pollini

recalled that for many years "suffers because Italy had an unworthy government." Now we see a change, a different future, but uncertain, warned: "Even if our dream can be realized, there may be a new plebiscite even more dangerous for our democracy. We have long suffered from blindness, apathy, indifference and stupidity around us, We were told one lie after another. It is necessary that people react. But there are things far more serious than the parties: the president has created around himself a huge network of corruption. "

Pollini touched on another thorny issue: "The Mafia has always Italy supported force, "he said. "Friends of the President were convicted of complicity with the Mafia. It is possible that the mafia is in love with the President, which is an unhappy love affair. But I do not think this government will fight against the Mafia as much as there would be no need. " Pollini also cited the reprisals against journalists.

Susanna Camusso, leader of the largest union, CGIL, has taken another step forward in the criticism of the head of government. "When we say that Berlusconi should resign for a more just country, not just think of the judiciary but also to social justice. His constant aim is to divide: workers, students, the Italians and foreigners, young people and their fathers. "

Italy has no need for words of other times, he said the trade unionist, who was wearing a white scarf as a sign of mourning for democracy and freedom "rights, responsibilities, duties, respect people, not separate bodies from the mind. We need an understandable language. We need to talk to Berlusconi, no girls under 18. We can not speak of 'vellum' to keep quiet about the responsibility and the risk of blackmail, which is under the president. This country has a serious problem with sexuality. Many men have it. It is not a joke. We women now are not more people but goods ".

Paul Ginsburg, author of Saving Italy, and that two years ago he obtained Italian citizenship, called on the phone Italians to rebel against "the system" to recover democracy and find a new relationship between public and private: "Berlusconi has invited us all to be predators of the public. Now we must retrieve the public, "he said.

With a video, the former President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro has asked citizens not to surrender, called for "freedom and dignity" and recalled that the first premise of a "democracy is the independence of the judiciary". "Berlusconi has the duty to defend before the courts, first of all to respect the constitutional principles."

( Original article by Miguel Mora )

Monday, February 7, 2011

Velicity Von википедия

Italy from Abroad - Rubygate: Berlusconi Urbi et Orgies

Public article de L'Express of January 26, 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

Rubygate: Berlusconi Urbi et Orgies

The escapades of the Prime Minister make news abroad. The Vatican was outraged, but the Italian company, she is not flustered.

The Pope, last week, had to stoop to talk about it. His spokesman, Cardinal Bertone, generally very cautious, said he was concerned about the "Italian affairs," that the sexual adventures of Silvio Berlusconi that fill the newspapers of the peninsula and enjoy the world. The Vatican, then, refers to the "morality" that he is now presented only as a satrap of a home appointments, and invites them to rediscover its spiritual roots. " Will be long.

was now a couple of months that there was no more talk about the feasts of the rider. The latest was the story of the "diamond necklace" given to Naomi for her 18 years. But then, there have been Patrick, Arisleida, Barbara, Eleanor, Concetta ...
only female names, and bras from increased. A host of seductive, according to the proxy, can not wait to get there, staying in the residences of Milano 2, a neighborhood built by the Knights and "hired" by two of his loyalists, to be handled by Nicole Minetti, his dental hygienist promoted Regional Council of Lombardy.
All these beautiful girls, who were called, "Love" or "Tesorino" sway all scented, in panties or nurse's uniform, in front of the "Sultan" and his guests, before it homage and receive, in exchange for disorder, an envelope full of € 500 notes.

It came Ruby, aka Karima el-Mahroug

Fans of football, Berlusconi was also Ruby. And is she actually Karima el-Mahroug, which has discredited, revealing those nights "bunga-bunga" (olé-olé) villa in Arcore presidential kingdom of pleasure. He had less than 18 years at the material time, although he looked more, hence the accusations of everything for a new prime minister, of "child prostitution".
To let those troublemakers, the police released, Berlusconi had initially told them that it was the "nephew of Mubarak, the Egyptian president. "Yes, and I'm the queen Nefertiti" retorted ironically a pm in Milan. The joke is not that yet another episode of Adventures halfway between the Satyricon on giant screen film and a second-if it existed today, the prosecution, 389 pages of documents and wiretaps to persons age 16 years.

the middle of all these subtleties, a young participant refers, in a flash of lucidity, the question on everyone's mind: forced to spend his nights "to touch his ass girls in front of everyone, I wonder how do the next day at work. "
Europe is stunned, the Italian public debt reached 118% of GDP, young people are desperate and Silvio loves women. At least with him, not get bored in the great cabaret that governs Italy for 15 years, casually mixing the performance of private and low view of women and politics, both comparable results.

Girls encouraged by their parents

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac," wrote Henry Kissinger. The rider, a man who became their own, allampadato, soft seated on a throne made of dreams and illusions, has been able to use it with talent. And now it turns out that the parents of the young ladies were not the last of Arcore to encourage their offspring to be part of the flying squadron, "A lot of girls walked past ... but you wake up !, "He said by telephone the father of one of them. Two thousand
Italian, angry, have signed a petition to explain to Mr Berlusconi, who cries in the plot, that all women of the country are whores. Apart from that, the "Sexgate" does not change anything for the moment, with regard to the vote. According to a recent survey, half of the country (49%) think that the President should resign, the other half (45%), no. Why?

( Original article Delphine Saubaber )

Teeth Whitening Diagram

Italy from Abroad - Shipwrecked culture

GetPublished de El Periódico de Catalunya of January 30, 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):

Shipwrecked culture

Living Art in Italy is becoming increasingly difficult. Powerless before them a situation that has driven many artists from the troubled atmosphere you can breath, settling in Barcelona. I am very pessimistic about the future

In Italy Sergio Sivori not missed work or popularity. Having trod the boards theater for years in Rome, at the beginning of 2010 he collected his latest success as a protagonist in a television series broadcast by RAI. Up to that in June last year, something broke. "My wife and I looked at his face and we said, 'This country is no longer for us'. We put our stuff in a van and we came to live in Barcelona. " More and more representatives of the Italian culture that will leave the country to settle in Barcelona. And the reasons pointing in the same direction. "I left because in Italy there are more than the minimum conditions for work. And not just economic ones, "said Sivori.

"He considers culture as something superfluous, which can make cuts in times of crisis." In fact, last October the Minister of Finance, when he had to justify the cuts, said that "culture does not eat." Such an assertion caused by Andrea Camilleri, writing a humorous list of reasons, however, show that feeds. "Our political class has a concept of culture closer to that of tourist," said Sivori, which has already begun to organize drama workshops took the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona NDT), and in a couple of months will open the his theater in Gràcia, Laboratorium. "I have nostalgia for the future of Italy, because I know I will not have to see him so much and why not," he confesses. For others, like the cartoonist Claudio Stassi (author of the illustration on this page), the concern lack of reaction from his fellow countrymen: "The Italians are sleeping. Does not compel. They do not see what is happening. "

Environment unbreathable

Claudio Colombara, an accomplished opera singer who is set in the Eixample, adds: "In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdespite the crisis, you breathe cleaner air. In Italy the political and cultural atmosphere is horrible. Everyone who can, as in my case, they decide to leave. " In 2011, Italy has allocated € 307 million for culture, while in Spain the investment of 1.051 billion and France of 7500. "Without appeals, the theaters will close and a tradition cultural, like the work, who was born in Italy, will be lost. It is a shame because there is no future without culture, "says this Bolognese, Catalan adoption, which these days plays of Donizetti Anna Bolena at the Liceu.

His colleague Fiorenza Cedolins originally from Friuli and living in Sitges goes further: "In my country there is a real cultural escape for people looking to open a chink in the art world has no future. In Italy the culture has fallen into oblivion. " There are cuts everywhere, he admits, only the home of Michelangelo, the situation is more dramatic because "there is a general idea that culture and the values \u200b\u200bit transmits are not required. " The collapse of the house in November of Gadiatori in ancient Pompeii, shows the lack of consideration for the Italian cultural heritage.

"I'm irritated by the fact that political power has destroyed the nursery where artists can grow," says Giuliano Belotti, musician, composer and collaborator of the Superior Conservatory of Liceu. "It has not done anything for music education." A concern shared by the orchestra conductor Daniel Barenboim in December, at the opening of the season at La Scala, had expressed his disappointment at the cuts by saying that culture is not only aesthetic but also ethical.

"Tell me the name of only one Italian writer or director in the last twenty years have distinguished themselves, demand a resignation Belotti. "There are directors like Visconti and Pasolini, but probably have left Italy and working in other countries," said Massimiliano Vana, a young documentary filmmaker who made his studio in Barcelona. "I'm gone for a survival instinct. Here, in return I felt valued because this is a city sensitive to creativity and art. " Like almost everyone, even Vana intends to return to their country "the revolution can not do one. It would return give up the sense of justice, the right to be indignant. In Italy bought even indignation. "

( Original article by Marta Cervera and Angelo Attanasio )

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Kitchenaid Paddle To Use

Doubts on the analysis conducted on the 16 mummies of Tutankhamun's family

the page that you point out the sequel "The fact historic "you can read an article about some concerns raised by several scientists on the DNA analysis conducted on the 16 mummies of the royal family of King Tut in February 2010.

The link is as follows:

Happy reading!


Poultry Farm Bussiness Plan Samples

Current state of antiquities in Egypt Closes

Carry some articles about the current state of antiquities in Egypt.

Below is an article in the January 31 press release which of the newly appointed Minister of State for Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, which updates on the situation of the Cairo Museum, looted and damaged a few days ago.

I leave you then also links to two articles in the following days which are reported in the latest updates on the situation.


http://ilfattostorico .com/2011/02/02/la-situazione-delle-antichita-in-egitto2 /

Vandals damage the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

January 31, 2011

of Aetius

The following is the testimony of Zahi Hawass of what has happened to the antiquities in Egypt.

Friday, January 28, 2011, when the marches started in Cairo, I knew that a curfew was imposed from 18:00 to 7:00 on Friday evening until Saturday morning. Unfortunately, the Egyptian Museum that day was not well defended. About a thousand people have started to climb over the wall on the eastern side of the museum overlooking a courtyard. On the western side had recently finished something I was very proud, a beautiful gift shop, restaurant and a café. The people entered the store, they stole all the jewelry and fled, thinking that that was the museum shop, thank God! However, ten individuals have found the emergency exit on the back and entered the museum.

As everyone knows, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is naturally lit, and because of its architectural style, there are glass windows on the roof. The criminals have broken and used ropes to descend into, the ceiling is 4 meters high.

At that time I was home and although I wanted desperately to go to the museum, I could not leave my house because of curfew. In the morning when I woke up, I went straight there. When I arrived I discovered that the night before, three police officers were left there during the night because they could not get out before the curfew ended. These agents, and many young Egyptians who were also there, have prevented other people from entering the museum. Fortunately, at 22:00 the night of Friday, the army had arrived at the museum to give further security assistance. I also discovered that a criminal was still inside the museum. When he went to ask for water to the guards, they took him and his hands were tied to the door to keep it away!

Fortunately, the criminals who have stolen jewelry from the gift shop did not know where the jewels were kept in the museum. They went into the gallery of late but found no gold, thirteen windows were broken and thrown on the floor antiques. Then the criminals have gone into the tunnels of King Tut. Thank God they only open a display case! Criminals have found a statue of the king on a panther, have broken and thrown on the ground.

I am very happy that all the antiquities in the museum damaged can be restored, and the police have arrested all the criminals "who entered." Saturday, the army arrived to guard the museum from all sides. I left the museum at 15:00 Saturday 29.

What is beautiful is that not all Egyptians were involved in the looting of the museum. A small number of people tried to break, steal and rob. Unfortunately, the voice of a crime is higher than that of a hundred voices of peace. The Egyptians are demanding freedom, not destruction. When I left the museum Saturday, I ran out of many Egyptians who have asked me if the museum was safe and what they could do to help. The people were happy to see an Egyptian official to leave his home and arrive at Tahrir Square without fear were very appreciative that I have come to the museum.

The curfew began again Saturday afternoon at 16:00, and I received messages all night by my inspectors at Saqqara, and Dahsur Mit Rahina. Abusir stores were open, and I could not find anyone to protect the antiquities in the site. At this moment I do not know what happened at Saqqara, but I expect to hear soon the inspectors there.

A Qantara we have a large warehouse containing antiquities from the National Museum in Port Said. Unfortunately, a large group of people armed with guns managed to enter and open the crates and take the precious objects. Other groups have attempted to enter the Coptic Museum, the Royal Jewelry Museum, the National Museum of Alexandria, and in the Museum El Manial. Fortunately, employees of the Museum of the crown jewels were moved all the objects in the basement, who sealed before leaving.

I boil the blood in his veins. I feel like everything I've done over the past nine years has been destroyed in one day, but all the inspectors, young archaeologists and administrators are calling me from the sites and museums all over Egypt to say he will give their lives for protect our heritage. Many young Egyptians in the streets to try to stop the criminals. Because of the circumstances, this behavior is not surprising, criminals and people without a conscience steal their own country. If the lights go out in New York or London, if only for an hour, would manifest criminal behavior. I am very proud that the Egyptians want to stop these criminals to protect Egypt and its heritage. Right now, the Internet has not yet been reactivated in Egypt. I had to fax this statement to my colleagues in Italy because it was loaded in London on my site.

Zahi Hawass

source :

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Small Blisters On Throat

Italy from Abroad - Italy

published an article by El País, 31 January 2011 (translation from Italy from abroad):


"Italy is a country left and ridiculous." In September 1975, when the sociologists considered the political laboratory of Europe and the progressive forces, including those in Spain, saw its civil society as a role model, Pier Paolo Pasolini wrote these words. "His comic masks are powerful, slightly stained with blood. But the Italian citizens are no different. " Pasolini, regarded by his compatriots, even some leftist, an intellectual unpleasant because of the thin pessimism of his views, pointed out two culprits: the school and television, broadcast complicit in having an ideology of hedonism devoid of human values and humanists.

35 years later, Berlusconi embodies Pasolini's vision of reality with such skill, as if he were playing the main role in the posthumous artist. The dyed hair and face covered with makeup, her desperate fanfare seducer of youth senile flying every day his record of indecency without many of his fellow citizens find reason to stop celebrating her antics.

not want to be unpleasant, but Berlusconi seems more sinister than that ridiculous. To prove that the sociologists of the seventies were right when they warned that the Italian company anticipated the evolution of the rest of the continent, just contemplate the masks of the people's princess and her court of magnitude. Below is a vulgar and ugly face that no one wants to see. It's the magic of television. When the trivial representation of cannibalism will cease to be a pleasant pastime to enjoy with your family, then perhaps its star will be transferred to the seats of government and there will be someone who will say that is pure democracy. Should prepare for the worst, read Pasolini.

( Original article Almudena Grandes )