Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Italy from Abroad - A comedy too long

Public an article in The Economist of November 4, 2010 (translation from Italy from abroad): A comedy

duration too long

Another week, another prediction that Silvio Berlusconi could leave. The settantaquattrenne Italian Prime Minister, elected for the first time sixteen years ago, is known to be an astute fighter. A new sex scandal, numerous rumors of mutiny by former allies, the threat of upcoming elections, statements that would have abused its position in calls made to the police for the release of a teenage girl suspected of theft: none of this will never be enough to oust the old obstinate lascivious. Italian air but there is now incontrovertible impression that you're starting at the end of an era.

Defenders of Berlusconi condemned the newspapers, the judiciary, foreigners and its old rival (and a time supporter) Gianfranco Fini, the difficulties encountered by their man. The prosecutor

Milan ruled that the police followed proper procedures in issuing the girl. But no one can deny that the support of voters Berlusconi has reached very low levels, or Fini control enough votes in Parliament to be able to bring down the government. Even some among the ranks of President of the Council are beginning to wonder if he has responsibility for such doversene go.

Strangely some of the older critics of Berlusconi are among those that move because it would not be wise. Support the thesis that he expressed this week that, in a time of uncertainty in the stock market and "nervousness" from the economic point of view, if his resignation to Italy would suffer serious harm, because enter into a period of political instability. They also note that, in part due to the ability of the Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti, Italy has remained immune from the concerns of the credit market that have undermined other countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland. This may not be the right time, they conclude, to shake the boat politics.

reasoning is tempting, but wrong. Because the stability that the continuation of the Berlusconi government offers is illusory. Each new scandal undermines his credibility and expose him (and incidentally his country) to a renewed scorn. By Fini ready to launch a new party and the Northern League, another coalition party, eager for new elections, the threat that the government collapse has become chronic. The market for debt can not worry about Italy now, because it avoided the banking and real estate bubbles that exploded elsewhere. But in the long term, the huge amount of Italian public debt, the pension and health burden of an aging population and the continued loss of competitiveness are the main concerns of the occasional bank failures.


In truth, what Berlusconi has not stability but stagnation. Ben Far from driving skillfully Italy over the many threats it is facing, his government is almost totally paralyzed. The legal concerns and on the other kind of Berlusconi and his ministers have distracted him from the realization of those courageous reforms which are necessary to bring the economy into a state of welfare in the long term.

Even the first triumph of the government trumpeting so loudly after its formation in 2008, namely to remove the garbage in Naples and surrounding areas, has proved ephemeral: the stinking piles of garbage are back.

This newspaper opposed Berlusconi outset. Many Italians expressed their disagreement with us, convinced that only an outsider could make changes. Now they have nothing: just an elderly Lothario clinging to power. Radical reforms require a new leader, who is from the left, from the right or the center, as long as fighting partisan interests and fighting for the cause.

At the end of the opera "Pagliacci" by Leoncavallo, the clown Canio takes a step forward, after having stabbed and Silvio tells the audience: "The play is over." Now the curtain should fall well on the tragicomic reign of Silvio contemporary.

( Original article )


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