Italy from abroad - from Italy
an article in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung of November 9, 2010 (translation from Italy from abroad):
rejection of the patriarch
The system failed because of Berlusconi its creator. But it is his former ally that will settle the final blow.
The fact that missing only a few days or weeks to exit from the political scene of Silvio Berlusconi does not matter. Gianfranco Fini has put him up against the wall. They want to end the tragedy of an old patriarch and his shaky government and then to a party that is being torn apart by months.
The agony of the power of the Italian prime minister started later than last summer with the ouster of Fini, the cofounder of his party PDL. But Berlusconi was wrong about the accounts and reports of majority employee was discovered by his opponent. We are now faced with the end of an era, an era in which Berlusconi has formed and deformed, Italy.
had started with high hopes neophyte. When Berlusconi was taken into the political arena in 1994, was released by the aftermath of the old party system into a tailspin because of the scandals Tengentopoli. His enormous success as an entrepreneur seemed to many a guarantee, in the conduct of Italy. E 'was re-elected four times since then. His promises of reform, cutting red tape, tax reduction and his charisma to that of many hiding anything: legal problems, friendships with the mafia, who accompanied Mr Berlusconi from the start - as well as the dual function of more equivocal country's industrial magnate and head of government.
However, after his re-election two years ago, it was increasingly difficult to assess what seems an illusion. The populist Berlusconi wants Italians to believe, even to the rest of the world that has everything under control and that is totally dedicated to the good of Italy. The government has so far spent all its energies in seeking legislative solutions to protect the prime minister against its processes.
Fini has reached the point: the pretext "of doing government" is actually "the government to pretend that ...". Entrepreneurs, workers, families and the young generation have been abandoned by their political needs and their legitimate concerns. And express it in an ever more obvious but received no reply.
not only failed the government, but also the design of the PDL. Since the merger of the former AN Fini and Berlusconi's Forza Italy would have to create a new one right, can give life to the "liberal revolution". Fini does not see no future for this party. The PDL has become a party that revolves solely around the person of Berlusconi and the maintenance of its power at any cost. The PDL is a group of people claiming to Berlusconi, let themselves be ejected from the system that benefits. There is no democracy inside, decisions to take one and only Berlusconi.
Fini is jointly responsible
The 74enne wants to steer in a patriarchal not only the PDL, as previously did with his exploits, but also the state. He does not want to understand that a parliamentary democracy operates by different rules than those of a company. What his critics can not simply be thrown out, but must accept the exchange of opinions with others. Berlusconi did not hardly ever goes to Parliament. This is not the only show of contempt and breach of the institutions. What is justice or the constitution, the prime minister as an obstacle to its trade.
Fini will not stand by and watch everything. With his Future Movement and Freedom, which soon diventera'un party, is trying to break through a door that allows him to get out of a stagnant system. Purposes and be away from the model of party leader based on one person, wants to get out of what in Italy is called the leader. It seems that Fini wants to create a space for a modern Liberal Party center-right. A centrist political force of the bourgeoisie on the model of a party like the CDU and oriented towards Europe. Fini, in all cases expressed a clear rejection of the policy of the Northern League, selfish, federalist and hostile to emigrants, coalition partner of Berlusconi
Just as uncertain is the existence of a PDL without Berlusconi, is also currently unclear whether Fini manage to assert itself over time as new elections. The elections will be held probably in the next few months, no matter if in the meantime there will be a government reshuffle or a so-called caretaker government of transition.
What Berlusconi Italians left is a dangerous political discontent and electoral mainly caused by its continuous shooting at zero against the institutions of the state. According to a recent survey by the European Parliament is the only institution that has not lost confidence in the Italians.
Fini would be wrong to celebrate as the savior of Italy. If your design will work remains to be seen. Fini Berlusconi has supported for 16 years and its policy and is jointly responsible for the current situation in the country. Maybe now the system has dealt the decisive blow to Berlusconi. The system Berlusconi has failed but because of its creator.
( Original article by Andrea Bachstein )
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