Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sample Welcome Letter To New Members Of Church

Italy from Abroad - The stupidity of the left

GetPublished Die Zeit of of November 21, 2010 (translation from Italy from abroad ):

The stupidity of the left

Silvio Berlusconi would be a long affair is closed, if his opponents did not committed so many blunders

The simplest explanations are the ones that appeal less and this usually elicit less attention. So many people still try to explain, despite all the scandals, the success of Silvio Berlusconi and the stability of his power, his charisma with the media, his ability to communicate to the majority of the deep-conservative anarchist Italy and to defend the interests of a certain business.

But no one considers a simple answer, although it is pretty easy to document: the power of Berlusconi, and all his strength, is only due to the weakness of the left and the mistakes of its leaders. Trivial? It seems that corresponds to the truth.

Berlusconi won the elections three times, but was defeated twice and could have beaten out even won the first elections ever. We are in 1994, two years before the Clean Hands "scandal wiped out the entire ruling class (the Christian Democrats and Socialists). It also investigated for corruption on the then still powerful Communist Party. However, even if investigators find / discover something on the edge of the party, the leadership of the PCI comes out with clean hands.

The PCI is therefore the only party which in some ways exceeds the scandal unscathed. Berlusconi founded Forza Italy, to make sure voters have become "orphans" of the DC and the Socialist Party. It also opens a dialogue with the former Fascist National Alliance.

In the introductory phase of the 1994 elections the Left parties are leading in all polls. It would be enough to present a secular candidate for president of the board and that did not come from parties that, following the corruption scandals, had become extremely unpopular. But the secretary of PDS (which is the party that happens to that community), Achille Occhetto, decide enthusiastically narcissistic (and ignorance) to apply. This defines his party as a "merry war machine." But someone else is happy: Berlusconi. Occhetto was basically the last secretary of the Italian Communist Party. An electoral battle a success all in the name of anticommunism, which usually meets in Italy the consent of the majority, and 'entrepreneur' Berlusconi, who takes the field against professional politicians. Berlusconi became the first Premier.

Eight months later, his government falls because of the Northern League, an ally of the coalition. After a short transition, where the government is led by a leadership made up of engineers, you go back to elections in 1996. This time, to win the election, just to the left to nominate a professor, a progressive Catholic and an expert in economics, Romano Prodi. It 'the first practical demonstration that any forward-looking analyst could have predicted: the' anti-politics "will hold the fixed point, from where you start to win elections. Notwithstanding that it is not an anti-politics in the true sense of the word, but rather a rejection of more radical (and quite justified) of a degeneration of democracy, which is expressed in the predominance of equipment corrupt party. In 2007 he published a bestseller that is the point of this condition. The title of the book written by two journalists, Sergio Rizzo and Gian Antonio Stella, describes exactly the problem: The Caste. Those who manage to remain a stranger to this caste, wins.

After Prodi's victory in 1996 all the newspapers believe that Berlusconi is over. It is already the name of his successor. It 'an entrepreneur in debt and facing bankruptcy. The bankruptcy of his media empire seems only a matter of days. At the same time, the prosecutor's office investigates against him and in several processes. Every day we expect an arrest warrant for Mr Berlusconi.

In this context it enough that the center-left government had not done anything just to finally close the chapter Berlusconi. But the government does something, makes it even a good deal '. The new secretary of the former communist party, Massimo D'Alema, Berlusconi has stunned the coalition for a "remake" of the Constitution. He wants to rewrite the Constitution by Berlusconi, to create one of the best in the world. The

already defeated Berlusconi, becomes a kind of "Father of the fatherland", part of the majority party, the former PC. The developments do not wait: Berlusconi again becomes the indisputable leadership of the center, allow the banks again credit, a policy supported by all major parties reduces the autonomy of the prosecutor's office and save Berlusconi from jail.

happens what should happen: Berlusconi won the elections of 2001. Prodi became president of the European Commission. D'Alema became leader of the 'opposition. But in no way opposed. In 2002, the secular society (meaning non-political) was a spontaneous movement of opposition, the so-called "Girotondini", supported by famous artists and intellectuals. This movement is directed against Berlusconi, but also against an 'opposition' is not there.

Nevertheless, the performance of Berlusconi as head of Government is so disappointing that two months before the planned 2006 elections, the polls are very square behind Romano Prodi, who is a candidate again. Prodi has an advantage seemingly unattainable. And yet, you should not do anything, just wait for the elections. But leaders of Left parties commit errors only predictable. Berlusconi to offer a dialogue, and contradict the secular movement, which define "Jacobin."

With the elections come - according to the vote - for a deal in principle. With the Italian electoral system, the center-left coalition obtained a clear advantage of 50 seats in the House. He also won a majority in the Senate, if he accepted the support that he had been offered by the "civic lists. But he refuses. The leadership of the center-left parties deemed dangerous collaboration with independent candidates. In the meantime, come to a coalition with Berlusconi's former traveling companions. One of them is even named minister of justice - Clemente Mastella - a former leader of the Christian Democrats. E 'Mastella who later will drop the Prodi government. You get to new elections. Berlusconi wins.

Today we arrived at the same point: the countless scandals that have led the government worsens Berlusconi in the polls. But the Democratic Party does not draw any benefit. If only we did a real opposition, if only they did their standard of morality is considered the "Caste" as their enemy - win big. The ignorance of their leaders is intolerable. Or perhaps they are also members of the "caste".

( Original article by Ulrich Ladurner )


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